Andre Lavigne


Andre Lavigne | Apex Skating
Bio / Story

Meet Andre Lavigne, an on-ice performance coach at Apex Hockey, contributing his expertise to the Ottawa area’s hockey scene. Andre’s journey is marked by a diverse range of experiences, showcasing his commitment to both sports and public service.

A graduate of La Cite Collégiale with a Pre-Service Firefighting Technician diploma, Andre has complemented his academic achievements with a personal training certification. He embarked on his coaching career as an intern with the University of Ottawa’s Men’s and Women’s hockey teams.

Beyond the rink, Andre has spent the last four years safeguarding our forests as a Forest Firefighter, embodying a commitment to community and environmental well-being. His dedication to hockey dates back to the age of 5, culminating in years of hard work that granted him the opportunity to play at the junior hockey level.

Looking ahead, Andre’s hockey journey continues as he gears up for a tryout with a Senior A league team this summer, exemplifying his ongoing passion for the sport.